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Blum Novotest Обзор продукции EN
для заказа - info@blumnovotest.ru
Touch Probes TC51 | TC61
Perfect for fast machining centres – the touch probes were
specifically developed for the requirements of highly productive
machines. The unique bidirectional measuring mechanism with
optoelectronic signal generation possesses a superior accuracy
and permits measuring speeds of up to 5 m/min. The TC51 and
the TC61 are the only touch probes worldwide, that allow quick
pulling measurements in Z+ permanently and without wear.
Infrared Transmission Pulling Measurement
Radio Transmission
Wear-free Measuring Mechanism
Mass Production
Axes Compensation
TC51, TC61 – extremely fast and precise TWIN Mode: Simultaneous measurement
with two touch probes
Highly precise – bidirectional IC56 – modern, reliable transmission
24 info@blumnovotmeesastu.rirngumechanism